Our Blog
Latest musing of Bob the Bee Guy...Over wintered queens vs warm weather queens
Let's just get right to it. There in no scientific proof that supports northern over wintered queens preform better than queens from a warm climate. The variables would bee to great to do such a study. Like are the mite loads equal, same amount of bees, health,...
Bobilin Honey End of year special
See the pricing for our 1 and 2 Gallon buckets. Savings of over 20% Go to our online store
This might bee a great way to protect your hives from theft
This device called The TrackR Bravo might bee the future answer to finding stolen hives or anything else you might want to find. You can buy one via Amazon.
SUGAR Brick Recipe to feed your bees during the winter
This is pretty simple. What's needed 12# of Sugar 1 pint of Corn Syrup Bowl or Bucket to mix the ingredients Parchment Paper Bread Loaf Pan or something you can put the sugar in and put in the oven Oven Put the Sugar and Corn Syrup into the Bowl or Bucket and mix...
Why do more of my bees make it through the winter?
I have been asked how do we get so many bees to make it through the winter? 1) Ventilation, Ventilation, Ventilation, There is a lot of condensation in a hive and if that drips down on the bees their dead. 2) Constant care even in the winter. Depending on the bee’s...
Groeb Farms of Michigan Fined for Honey Dumping. Chinese Honey!!
This is why you purchase from a local Beekeeper. Chinese Honey has been found to have Antibiotics and banned substances. They imported millions pounds of honey and someone ate it all. See all the attached articles...
Canton Winter Markets February, March, April
Come join Bobilin honey and the other vendors for our Off-Season Markets. They held in the Summit on the Park Banquet Center, located at 46000 Summit Parkway, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. February 19 March 19 April 16
The Wooster 2018 Bee conference. Varroa mites are killing your hives
The conference agenda was about what is killing your bees Jamie Ellis was one of the speakers at the conference along with Randy Oliver. In a nutshell. If you are not checking your mite load and treating for mites your bees will probably die. The recommended way to...
Why you want to purchase your BEE packages from a very local source??
A couple thing to consider when buying a package of Bees. Is it a 3# package or a #3 package. This looks the same but it is not. A 3# package will have 3 pounds of bees. A #3 is just a designation and has no guarantee of any bees. How close is your package provider?...
Virtues of Comb Honey
The Virtues of Comb Honey Each batch of honey retains the floral essences of the plants from which it was made, but the flavor of wax comb also differs according to what the bees ate and adds a richness to the flavor that extracted honey doesn’t have. This combination...
Gardening for Pollinators From OSU Bee Lab Great Video
This is a great Presentation. A must watch for every gardener and Bee Keeper http://u.osu.edu/beelab/gardening-for-pollinators-2/
Natural Cough Suppressant (Great for Kids)
Article from the National Honey Board Honey has been used for centuries to help alleviate some of the symptoms associated with a common cold. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, many things can cause a sore throat. These include infections with...
We will bee at Ward Church for honey pick up
Bobilin Honey will bee at Ward Church on Saturday January 14th from 11am to 12:30pm for honey pick up. I will have extra honey at all dates if you did not place an order in advanced. We will also bee at Ward Church on February 11, March 11, April 8 same time
First Chelsea Michigan Area Bee Club meeting scheduled
We will have our first meeting on May 23, 2017 @ 7pm at the Chelsea Library. Bring a friend. I am sure we will have a great time. For additional info please contact John Dohner johndohner@gmail.com or Bob Jastrzebski bob@bobilinhoney.com
What makes our honey unique?
What makes our honey unique? 1) We harvest twice a year mid July and September 2) We harvest from an area and don’t mix areas. The above two philosophies lead to a high quality honey that has unique flavors depending on the Foliage, Area, Harvest and year. Very...
The Major Michigan Honey flow is starting
Basswood is the major Michigan Honey flow. This might surprise some people that Bees get 90% to 95% of their nectar and pollen from trees. So the Basswood starts to bloom the second week of July and represents a significant amount of the Nectar they collect per year....
Raw vs Pasturized
Found this on Twitter. Pretty much says it all. The differences between raw and pasteurized honey are substantial. Raw honey is an alkaline-forming food that contains natural vitamins, enzymes, powerful antioxidants and other important natural nutrients. These are the...
Confusion over ultrafiltration and Pollen
The National Honey Board Clarifies Confusion Over Pollen and Ultrafiltration Firestone, Colo. – August 7, 2012 – Honey has been in the news recently, covering topics from its source to its authenticity. The National Honey Board (NHB), a federal research and promotion...